Hiri works on all Windows 7/8/10. However, Hiri doesn't work on Windows XP or Vista.
To install Hiri on Windows, you first need download the installer from the downloads page.
When the file has been downloaded, double click Hiri-setup.exe to start the installation wizard.
If you get a Security Warning dialog, just press Run to continue.
You'll then be asked to select language. For the moment, Hiri is available in English and German. German translations are still beta so it's best to select English for now. Press OK to continue.
You'll then be asked to accept the license agreement. Once you've read it, click I accept the agreement and click Next.
Select a destination folder where you want Hiri to be installed or leave that at default and click Next.
You can check Create a desktop shortcut if you want the installer to place a shortcut for Hiri on the desktop, which is recommended. Click Next to continue.
Finally, click Install to begin the installation.
The installation takes a minute...
Finally, press Finish to launch Hiri!
- On older versions of Windows (7, 8), if Hiri doesn't start, you might need to download and install Update for Universal C Runtime.